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This page explains how image optimization works.
It will provide you with the following benefits.

  • What you can do with this library will become clearer.
  • It is a guidepost when something goes wrong.

Processing step

First, let me explain roughly what kind of processing process is involved.

  1. When you import next/image, change the webpack configuration to automatically load the custom component that wraps next/image from this library.
  2. Receive information on images to be optimized through the loader in next/image and write it to a JSON file.
  3. After next export, optimize the image based on the JSON file you just exported.

Also, when next dev, the loader returns the string almost as is, with the original image, so it does not take any time to build.

From here, I will explain in more depth.

When you import next/image

import Image from 'next/image'

Importing a next/image component like this will automatically alias it to next-export-optimzie-images/dist/image.
This uses the webpack alias feature. (

Customize the next/image loader

The image component of this library defines an internally customized loader.
This is used for the actual rendering src and srcSet etc. in next/image. Also, at build time, the list of images to be optimized is written to a JSON file.

At this time, a list of images to be optimized is created based on the layout attribute, the sizes attribute, the placeholder attribute, etc.
Therefore, unused images are not created and build time is not needlessly increased.

For example, suppose you render two image components as follows.

<Image src="/intrinsic.png" width={1280} height={640} alt="" />
<Image src="/responsive.png" width={1280} height={640} alt="" layout="responsive" />

The images created at this time are as follows


Only file names are listed.
Also, if you have set deviceSizes etc. in next.config.js, it is a little different.

Image optimization

Run next-export-optimzie-images to start optimizing the images.
This is basically done after yarn build && yarn export.

The image is optimized based on the information in the exported JSON file through the loader described earlier.
At this time, the optimized images are stored once in the node_modules/.cache directory, along with cache data (image hash and file path).
The second and subsequent optimizations will use this information to decide whether to skip the optimization or not.

The mechanism is as follows.

Search for images with the same file path in the JSON file that stores the cached data.

  • if there is ... → Compare with the hash of that image, and if different, update the hash and create an optimized image. If they are the same, skip optimization.
  • if not ... → The hash and file path of that image is stored in cache data to create an optimized image.